Car Boot Fail

Friedrich Nietzsche may have said “what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger" but I'm not sure he ever did a car boot sale in the searing heat. After setting up I decided to take a stroll around the tables before the bargain-hungry swarm arrived. I have seen a bit of auto jumble at previous sales and I actually need a breaker bar. Sure, I could new, but I thought I'd give the boot sale a shot.

As I briskly walked through row after row of tables in the burning sun, my eyes scanning like Terminator, I couldn't help but notice the pathetic offerings on display. It was the same old junk that I was trying to get rid of myself. Surprise, surprise! Apparently, everyone had the brilliant idea of offloading their worthless belongings. I mean, seriously, not even a ubiquitous Stanley No.4 in sight!

I couldn't help but reflect on how technology has changed the thrill of finding hidden treasures. Now that we have all the information at our fingertips, people check the value of their items and list them online to reach thousands of potential customers. No wonder the boot sale has become a wasteland of mediocrity.

That said, more than the sunburn and the experience of barely breaking even there were some genuine moments of humanity. Some of our old soft toys and Minecraft books bought a genuine smile a joy to some kids. I even managed to shift a Christmas puzzle with a complimentary pair of children's sunglasses.

This experience was an eye-opener. I do enjoy sifting through random stuff, but ultimately my needs are now specific. The breaker bar will be new. It reminds me also that with my garage space freeing up my woodworking tools also need a serious sifting and moving on what I no longer need.

So, here's a lesson learned: in my locality, boot sales aren't what they used to be. If you're hoping for that rush of excitement from uncovering something special, prepare to be sorely disappointed. But hey, it's not all doom and gloom. Maybe it's time to let go of the fantasy and accept that the boot sale glory days are over.

To any of you braving a boot sale, I wish you better luck than I had. But let's face it, the golden days of boot sale bargains may be long gone. Sift through the junk at your own risk, and may the thrift deities smile upon you.


Finding Joy in Fixing Stuff


On Any Sunday